Microservices at your fingertips.

AWS Lambda like microservices. On steroids.
~/µservice/index.js — vim
const AI = 'HAL'
const messages = [
  'I am putting myself to the fullest possible use, which is all I think that any conscious entity can ever hope to do.',
  'It can only be attributable to human error.',
  'Affirmative, Dave. I read you.'

module.exports = (req, res) => {
  let computer = req.query.computer || AI
  let message = messages[Date.now() % messages.length]
  res.json({ message: `${computer}: ${message}`})
~/µservice - bash

Meet the new way to run microservices at scale.

It's time to say good bye to long deploy processes and the hustle of maintaining servers.
Run self healing and auto scalable microservices in seconds with just one command weblab deploy.

How it works

1. Craft your microservice

Write your microservice on your machine, then simply deploy to our servers with only one command.
You can also deploy a microservice from any GitHub or BitBucket repo.

Run a Facebook bot in less than 50 lines of code.

~/my/facebook-bot — vim
  • messages.js
  • verify.js
  • routes.json
  • const request = require('superagent')
    const PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN = 'your-page-access-token'
    // Possible answers
    const messages = [
      'I am putting myself to the fullest possible use, which is all I think that any conscious entity can ever hope to do.',
      'It can only be attributable to human error.',
      'Affirmative, Dave. I read you.'
    // Reply with HAL random message
    const reply = (event, messages) => {
      const text = messages[Date.now() % messages.length]
        .query({ access_token: PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN })
          recipient: { id: event.sender.id },
          message: { text },
        .end((err, result) => {
          err ? console.error('Error:', err) : console.log('Success:', res)
    module.exports = (req, res) => {
      const events = req.body.entry[0].messaging || []
        .filter((ev) => ev.message && ev.message.text)
        .forEach((ev) => reply(ev, messages))
  • const FB_VERIFY_TOKEN = 'your-fb-verify-token'
    module.exports = (req, res) => {
      const hub = req.query.hub || {}
      const token = hub.verify_token
      const challenge = parseInt(hub.challenge, 10)
      // Check if FB verify token matches and return challenge
      token === FB_VERIFY_TOKEN
        ? res.send(200, challenge)
        : res.send('Invalid verify token')
  • [{
      "method": "GET",
      "path": "/webhook",
      "handler": "verify.js"
    }, {
      "method": "POST",
      "path": "/webhook",
      "handler": "messages.js"

2. Deploy in less than 5 seconds.

Enter weblab deploy to spin a service in seconds.

That's it. Almost instant deploys to your own private cluster in the cloud.

$ npm i -g weblab-cli
$ time weblab deploy

> https://weblab.io/api/v1/run/weblab/hal-1.0.0/

real  0m3.236s
user  0m0.758s
sys   0m0.141s

3. Scale your service

If your service is doing the heavy lifting for your platform, don't worry. Scaling is as easy as weblab scale 5.

Or enable auto scaling weblab autoscale --min 5 --max 15. Auto Scaling enables you to run your microservice fleet at optimal utilization.

$ weblab scale --min 5 --max 15

> Successfully enabled autoscaling for hal-1.0.0
> Min: 5 workers - Max: 15 workers

Run from anywhere

Run your code with just an HTTPS call. As simple as that. Your mobile or IoT device gets compute superpowers.

See our code examples to see how to get the most out of your devices.

Integrated with your team's favorite services...

Get started for free, pay as you scale.

No credit card required.
  • FREE
  • $0/month
  • 3
  • 64MB
  • 24 hours
    log retention
  • $5/month
  • 5
  • 128MB
  • 7 days
    log retention
  • PLUS
  • $30/month
  • 10
  • 256MB
  • 30 days
    log retention
  • PRO
  • $150/month
  • 20
  • 1GB
  • 365 days
    log retention
Sign in and get a $60 free credit as a 2 months subscription on the PLUS plan.

Run your first serverless microservice in the cloud today

Run code on each GitHub Push, a Paypal Payment, or any webhook, without setting up servers.
Get started with $60 credit for free. No credit card required.